Friday, December 25, 2020

Some Beautiful Telugu Poems on Sri Vishnu with English Meaning

 Hare Krishna!

Few beautiful poems on Sri MahaVishnu from Andhra MahaBhagavatham by Potana garu:

First one:

- Prahlada Charithra, Andhra MahaBhagavatham


In this poem, Prahlad ji tells his father that Lord Vishnu is in Panchabhuthalu, day and nights, sun and moon, in the divine word ‘Om’, in Lord Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, in all beings. So, why are you so much worried in searching him!!!??? And also don’t doubt that Lord is here. So, he may not be there in any other place. Where you search him, he’ll be there only. Listen to my words!!!

This is such a beautiful poem that tells Lord Vishnu is everywhere. No doubt in that!!!!

Second poem:

-Prahlada Charithra


Can a bee which tasted the nectar of Mandara flowers, go to normal flowers? Can any royal swan which experiences its stay in the Devnadi Ganga go to normal ponds or lakes?? Can any cuckoo which tasted the sweetness of Mango go to anyothers?? Can any chokara (bird) which enjoys the full moonlight rays approach dense fog??? In the same way, can a mind which is intoxicated with the thoughts of Lotus Feet of Srimannarayan go to other thoughts.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????… These words are said by Prahlad ji.

Exactly!!! A mind which tasted the divine thoughts of Naarayan can’t think of any others.

Third poem:

Hiranyakaship questions Prahlad ji “why are you so confident and opposing me? Having whose strength on your side?? I’m the strongest person in this whole world.”

Then Prahlad ji tells:

- Prahlada Charithra


In this poem, Prahlad ji tells that Lord Vishnu, who is strength for all (neither they are strong or weak) including Hiranyakasip and Prahlad ji, Brahma and all other devathas and living beings is only strength for him.!!!!!!!!

Such a beautiful line and with too much of confidence!!!!

Fourth poem:

- Prahlada Charithra


In this beautiful poem, Prahlad ji tells “Hands which worship Kamalakshu (Vishnu/the one who have lotus like eyes) are great hands/true hands. Tongue which describes/ praises Srinatha (Lord/husband of Maa Lakshmi) is a great tongue. The looks that absorb the protector of the worlds are the right and precise eyes. The head which offers pranams to Seshasayi (the one who sleeps on ‘Sesha’) is a great head. The ears that hear about Vishnu are great ears. Heart which thinks about Madhuvairi (enemy of demon Madhu or who slayed Madhu). The feet that guide one to the almighty are the truthful feet. The thoughts on Purushothama are great thoughts. The day in which we praise Lord of all Lords is the great day. Study which tells about Chakrahasta (the one who have Chakram in his hand) is a great study. The teacher who tells about Kumbhinidhav (Lord of Earth/Husband of Bhudevi) is a great Teacher. Father! A Father who tells to reach Sri Hari(the one who ) is the great/real father.

Beautiful, right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the next poem (in Prahlad Charithra), he tells that mind/body/thoughts/ anyothers which doesn’t belong to Sri Vishnu (if we don’t use them for his service), they’re waste.

Let's see some poems from Gajendra Moksham too:


I surrender to the one by whom this world is created, by whom it is maintained, in whom it will be dissolved and who is the Lord of the creation and its root cause, who is the spectator of the beginning, being and ending of these worlds, who encompasses everything, who is self sustaining and sustainer of all, to that Lord for my rescue!!!!!!

Just awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

Another Poem:


I’ll worship the one who alone will be there even after this world, the ones who rule this and the ones who live on this gets destroyed.

Next Poem:

In this small poem 12 qualities of Lord are described which tells his supremacy!!!

Meaning: The Lord who creates the world who is apart from the world, who contains the world within Himself, who knows the ways of the world, who is present during creation and outside of it, who is permanent who exists before during and after the creation, such Lord who is the ultimate abode of all beings, to Him I pray to bless me!!!!

My favorite poem of Surrendering:

Meaning: Oh Lord! I am not left with an iota of strength, my courage is shaken ,my life is in danger ,I lose my consciousness ,my body is tired, all my energy is spent, I feel fatigue, now, I don't know anything except you (complete surrendering), forgive me, I am totally helpless . Oh, Lord! Oh Varada!! Hey Bhadrathmaka!!! I request you, implore you to come and save me!

I love this poem a lot which tells complete surrendering. Without at least chanting this poem once, my day won’t complete.

Another Poem of Potana Garu:


I’ll worship the one who is the savior of world, who is always attentive in protecting his devotees, who destroys the demons, who have these worlds inside him and who is the lovely child of Maa Yasoda for bestowing me salvation!!!!!



"That which is spoken is the Bhagavatam and the one who made me speak/chant this is Lord Rama. The result of chanting this (Bhagavatamata) is ultimate freedom, the Liberation of soul. So, let me sing it, since there is no other story better than this (Bhagavatam)."

This poem tells the greatness of SrimadBhagavatham. This also tells the devotion of Potana ji that how much he believed Bhagawan Sri Ramachandra. This must be a inspiration for us to believe God which shows the path for salvation. We should also know that God is the one who gave knowledge and wealth for us. If we believe that, ahankar in us will be completely destroyed which solves many problems.

Next Poem:

- Narasimha Sathakam


Here, poet (devotee) is telling “ Hey Lord who is praised by Brahma and Rudra, the one who destroys evil, Sri Narasimha, Neelameghashyam! you’re our father. Kamalavasini (Goddess on Lotus, Maa Sri MahaLakshmi) is our Mother. Your devotees are our relatives/family. Your grace is prosperity/wealth for us. Kirthans on you are our world (everything for us). Your helping is eternal happiness for us. Chanting your manthram is our education. Meditating on your Sri Feet is our japam. Thoyajaksha! Sri Tulasi which is offered to your lotus Feet is medicine for diseases (mainly Bhavarog, cycle of birth and death).

Next Poem:

- Sri Venkatachala Mahathmyam written by Matrusree Tarigonda Vengamamba


I meditate(or worship) about the one who have lotus like eyes, the one who destroys sadness of his devotees/sages, the one who is present everywhere, the one who is the witness of everything, who is inexhaustible, the one whose Lotus feet are worshiped by Brahma and Lord Shiva, the one who is Venkateswara (remover of sins/protector of his devotees) and the one who is the husband of the daughter of the ocean(Mata Sri Lakshmi).

Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!

Om Namo Venkatesaya!!!

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