When did supreme Goddess Maa Adi Shakti Bhagwati Durga was Born ?
Devi is not born !!!!!!!! She is there always and everywhere !!!!! She is eternal, She is everything and everything is in her.
Without Shakti even my Aardya Shiva is also Shava !!!!!! I dont know how I discuss about that power, about that divine energy !!!!!! My Maa !!!!!!!!
The power or active aspect of the immanent God is Shakti. Shakti is the embodiment of power. She is the supporter of the vast universe. She is the supreme power by which the world is upheld. She is the Universal Mother. She is Durga, Kali, Chandi, Chamundi, Tripurasundari, Rajesvari. There is no difference between God and His Sakti, just as there is no difference between fire and its burning power.
If Shiva is the unchanging consciousness. Shakti is His changing power which appears as mind and matter.
Let us hear a story from Saam Veda’s Kenopanishad :-
In the Kenopanishad, it is said that the gods became puffed up with a victory over the Asuras. They wrongly took the success to be the result of their own valour and prowess. The Lord wanted to teach them a lesson. He appeared before them in the form of a Yaksha, a huge form, the beginning and end of which were not visible. The Devas wanted to find out the identity of this form and sent Agni for this purpose.
The Yaksha asked Agni: “What is your name and power?” Agni replied: “I am Agni (Jatavedas). I can burn up the whole universe in a minute.” The Yaksha placed before Agni a dry blade of grass and asked him to burn it. Agni was nor able to burn it. He ran away from the Yaksha in shame.
The gods then sent Vayu to enquire who the Yaksha was. Vayu approached the Yaksha. The Yaksha said to Vayu: “Who are you? What is your power?” Vayu said: “I am wind-god. I can blow up the whole world in a minute.” The Yaksha then placed a blade of grass before Vayu and told him to blow that away. Vayu could not make it move an inch from its place. He left the place in shame. Last of all came Indra himself.
When Indra reached the place, he found that the Yaksha had vanished.
Then Maa Uma appeared before Indra and revealed to him the real identity of the Yaksha. She said to Indra: “It is the power of the Divine Mother and not that of the gods that crowned the gods with victory. It is the Sakti or Uma or Haimavati, sister of Krishna, that is the source of the strength of all the gods.” Sakti is the great teacher of Jnana. She sheds wisdom on her devotees.
Devi is Shakti of Lord Shiva. She is Jada Shakti and Chit Shakti. She is Iccha Shakti, Kriya Shakti and Jnana Shakti. She is Maya Shakti. Shakti is Prakriti, Maya, Mahamaya, Sri Vidya. Shakti is Para Brahman itself. She is Lalita, Kundalini, Rajesvari, Tripurasundari, Sati and Parvati. Sati manifested to Lord Siva in the ten forms as the Dasa Maha Vidyas, viz., Kali, Bagalamukhi, Chinnamasta, Bhuvanesvari, Matangi, Shodasi, Dhumavati, Tripurasundari, Tara and Bhairavi.
The countless universes are only dust of Divine Mother’s holy feet. Her glory is ineffable. Worship of the Divine Mother with intense faith and perfect devotion and self-surrender will help you to attain Her grace. Through Her grace alone, you can attain knowledge of the Imperishable.
Knowledge of Shakti leads to salvation. “Saktijnanam vina devi nirvanam naiva jayate—O Devi without the knowledge of Sakti, Mukti cannot be attained” (Shiva says to Shakti). The Devi-Sukta of the Rig-Veda, the Sri-Sukta, Durga-Sukta, Bhu-Sukta and Nila-Sukta, and the specific Sahkta Upanishads such as Tripuratapini Upanishad, Sitopanishad, Devi Upanishad, Saubhagya-Upanishad, Sarasvati Upanishad, Bhavanopanishad, Bhavrichopanishad, etc., emphatically declare about Maa Shakti.
In Shaivism we firmly believe in unification of ShivaShakti and believe that Maa Uma/Durga/Parvati as the supreme and Lalitha Maa, Kaali Maa, etc. are her full manifestations. All are She herself only !!!!!!!!
Hope I have answered the question !!!!!!!!
Thank you !!!!!!
Jaya Aadya Shakti, Maa Jaya Aadya Shakti
Akhand Brahmaand Neepavya, Akhand Brahmaand Neepavya
Padave Pandit Maa
Om Jayo Jayo Maa Jagadambe
Dwitiya Bay Swarup ShivaShakti Janu, Maa ShivaShakti Janu
Brahma Ganapti Gaye, Brahma Ganapti Gaye
Hara Gaaye Hara Maa,
Om Jayo Jayo Maa Jagadambe !!!!!!!!
Jay Gauri Hara !!!!!!!!
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